Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas & fairy lights ♥

What is Christmas?  It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.  It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.  ~Agnes M. Pahro

May your Christmas be filled with laughter and sunshine.

May you be surrounded the people you love most and know you best.

May your bellies be filled with delicious food and your hearts be filled with delicious memories.

Wishing you all hope, joy and peace this Christmas.

Meri Kirihimete everyone.



  1. Hope you have a great xmas too Nessie, no doubt you'll be having awesome kai (esp if you're the one making it). Have a great new year too, I can't wait to see what other awesome creations you have up your sleeve.

  2. Totally unrelated- I just saw you on the Stratos channel for your baking for the hospice. Good for you, I volunteer, but I don't part with my baking.

  3. Merry Christmas and I hope your holidays have been filled with delicious things and sunshine. I love fairy lights and used to keep them up year round but now we have a bunny I would hate for them to become rabbit food!

  4. Linno: Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year too...did you cook up a storm?? :)

    Lilibeth: Oh wow, thanks heaps for your comment! I didn't know it was playing on Stratos channel - stoked :)

    bunnyeatsdesign: Happy new year Genie! My hols were filled with delicious things and sunshine (the south island turned. it. on.) Hope you and your loved ones (and bunny!) had a super fantastic holiday!!



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